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At the Press Conference for the 2nd World SME Conference 2019 on May 16, Wang Min, President of China Association for Small & Medium Commercial Enterprises, declares that the 2nd World SME Conference will take place at the Beijing Yanqi Lake International Convention & Exhibition Center of China from June 21 to 23, 2019, as an important action to response to the UN’s Small and Medium Enterprises Day. With support of the Chinese People’s Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries, the Conference will be co-sponsored by the Public Diplomacy & Culture Exchange Center of China Association for Small & Medium Commercial Enterprises, Belt & Road Think Tank Alliance, International Business School of Beijing Foreign Studies University, Shaanxi University of Chinese Medicine, Belt and Road School of Beijing Normal University, China Society for People's Friendship Studies, North-East Asia Peace Economic Association of South Korea, Chamber of Indian Micro Small & Medium Enterprises, Chinesischer Industrie- und Handelsverband e.V. in Deutschlandwith and other organizations, with the participation of Pizhou City of Jiangsu Province and Hedong District of Tianjin as strategic cooperation city and district. At that time, representatives of government-industry-university-institute collaboration and representatives of excellent SMEs at home and abroad will attend the Conference, and many experts, scholars and entrepreneurs will deliver keynote speeches.


The representatives from Public Diplomacy & Culture Exchange Center, Ping An Insurance Group - ONE CONNECT, Microsoft Accelerator Beijing, Pizhou City of Jiangsu Province, Hedong District of Tianjin, the Embassy of the Maldives to China and Dawn Urban Industrial Park make thematic promotions at the Press Conference. SOOM TECH, Chengying Hulian, Inner Mongolia Xiaokang Life E-commerce Co., Ltd., Beijing Gongjiang Zaoban Culture Co., Ltd. and Shenzhen Xiao Niu Online, as representatives of SME service providers, sign project contracts with the Organizing Committee. The ambassadors in China and more than 50 news media agencies present the Press Conference, specifically Mr. Faisal Mohamed, Ambassador of Maldives to China, Genet Teshome Jirru, Deputy Chief of the Embassy of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia in China, Mr. Badar U Zaman, Commercial Counselor of the Embassy of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan in China, and Mr. Hamza Hadji Sharif, Economic Counsellor of the Algeria Embassy in China.


Wang Min says that China Association for Small & Medium Commercial Enterprises successfully held the first World SME Conference last year with active part of participants. Thanks to distinct themes, rich contents and remarkable results, the Organizing Committee has built an important platform for learning from each other, exchange, cooperation, and in-depth dialogue among thousands of enterprises in many countries, regions and at home and abroad, and effectively played the role as the bridge among them. As President Xi Jinping emphasized at the Opening Ceremony of the Conference on Dialogue of Asian Civilizations, civilizations exchange through diversity and learn from each other for development. Especially after more than three years of experiences and hard work, the conference, as a specialized conference for international cooperation between small and medium enterprises, is gaining popularity, influence and spreading its brand effect.


Wen Bingyu, Head of the South Korea-China Economic Cooperation Group of the North-East Asia Peace Economic Association of South Korea, delivers a speech on behalf of the guest organization of honor. He points out that building a community with shared future consolidates everyone’s strength and pools every enterprise’s hope. SMEs are the pillar of economic development in the world, and also the most dynamic and creative enterprise group. The World SME Conference initiated by the China Association for Small & Medium Commercial Enterprises is highly appreciated by the North-East Asia Peace Economic Association of South Korea. So, the Association will organize a large delegation of South Korean enterprises to attend the conference, expecting to bridge the Chinese and South Korean enterprises for cooperation in a series of matchmaking events.


It is learn that the Conference will be featured by many highlights, with numerous business opportunities. The theme of Belt and Road cooperation will be highlighted at the Conference. In April 2019, the Second Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation was successfully held in Beijing, China. In this context, cooperation interface and sessions themed by the Belt and Road will be held during the Conference to promote SMEs, as a new force, to courageously act as vanguards and pioneers, actively display the spirit of courage to innovate and bear the responsibility, and form a united fleet and work together to go global in the development of the Belt and Road, and constantly open up a new world of development.


According to the information released by the Ministry of Commerce, Chinese enterprises’ direct investment in countries along the Belt and Road from 2013 to 2018 exceeded US$ 90 billion, growing at an annual rate of 5.2%. The amount of new contracting of foreign projects along the Belt and Road exceeded US$600 billion, with an average annual increase of 11.9%. Up to now, Chinese enterprises have built a number of overseas economic and trade cooperation zones in countries along the Belt and Road, with a total investment of more than US$ 30 billion, becoming an important platform for local economic growth and industrial agglomeration, and providing nearly 300 thousand jobs in the host countries. The Belt and Road Initiative is proposed by China, but its fruits are shared by participating countries and the whole world. As driven by the Belt and Road, the World SME Conference, by advocating mutually beneficial cooperation and deepening win-win cooperation, will strive to further develop capacity cooperation and contribute to global economic development.


The international cooperation between SMEs is much more focused on at the conference. As a specialized conference to boost international cooperation between SMEs, it will pay much more attention to the analysis and study on economic formation. First, some senior government officials and ministry leaders will introduce the latest policy design and the orientation of enterprise investment cooperation. Second, influential scholars, experts and entrepreneurs at home and abroad will deliver speeches and exchange with unique insights and practical experience, analyzing the real economy and industry. Third, institutions and major enterprises in countries and regions along the Belt and Road will participate in exhibition, vigorously promoting in-depth exchange and communication. Fourth, matchmaking events will be held to set up a platform of exhibition and negotiation for participating governments and enterprises at home and abroad, and to promote the sound and sustainable development of SMEs on international cooperation.


The practical results are stressed at the conference. At this conference, the theme will be more energetic and diverse, and the contents will be more compact with focus on practical results. This helps to foster development of more enterprises and bring about more intentions for cooperation. In order to facilitate the exchange, communication and negotiation between participants, the Organizing Committee will hold an opening ceremony, a main forum and numerous sub-forums, referring to the mode of “1+1+N”, to promote multi-level exchanges and mutual learning, and to pool broad consensus on cooperation. A national investment promotion platform is provided. International and domestic exhibition areas and one-to-one negotiation areas are established. In addition, the “Entrepreneurs of Future - Simulating International Entrepreneurs' Round-Table Forum” will be held for students at home and abroad, letting them know the significance of business in the future world.


Professor Niu Huayong, Dean of International Business School of Beijing Foreign Studies University, points out in the interview that the World SME Conference has become a major platform to support Chinese enterprises “going global” and promote exchange and cooperation between SMEs of different countries.

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