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Declaration of 2018 World SME Conference


On the 23rd day of June 2018m, in this lovely season of midsummer when every living thing is full of energy, and at this sweet and memorable moment, the 2018 World SME Conference that is initiated by China Association for Small & Medium Commercial Enterprise and supported by many organizations is held in Beijing. This conference is a grand gathering of all SMEs of the world, which join their hands, pool their minds in practicing the strategic goals of 'a community with shared future' under the 'Belt and Road' framework. It is also the first gathering of world SMEs in the context of accelerated globalization, to share the opportunities for development and to pool our wisdom before important decisions are made. This Conference is attended by over 1,000 representatives from 30 countries, including political VIPs, representatives from international organization and enterprises, so that we can share our opinions in the discussions on the theme of 'mutual understanding, interconnection and sharing'. The Conference is focused on key issues, hot topics and regional highlights, and provides key insights into the common challenges, so that consensus can be built and the expected goals can be achieved.


I. Consensus is built on cooperation.It is a common belief among all participants that the construction of a community with shared future is the shared belief and hope of all business owners As an important pillar industry supporting the national economy in many countries, SMEs are always the most vigorous and creative enterprises. SMEs are absolutely dominant in number in all countries, whether developed or developing. They are playing irreplaceable roles in promoting employment, improving livelihood, stabilizing local society, driving economy and boosting innovation in the host country they call homeland. Confronted with the complicated and fast changing situations, it is a common challenge before SMEs in all countries to achieve robust development in an era of with great development, reforms and restructuring. To achieve this goal of broadening our further development and to break the barriers in the way ahead, SMEs must build consensus on cooperation, stay interconnected and share their experience and practices. SMEs must also pool their minds and efforts to develop new technologies, new industries, new business models and new development patterns that benefit all participants, before they can achieve the expected growth and development and make their active contribution to the sustainability of the global economy.


II. Enhanced pursuit for innovation.As stressed by the VIP speakers, innovation is the soul of a nation, driving its progress and also the engine of a country or an enterprise, boosting its prosperity. The new and valuable opportunities brought to human society by the new round of technological and industrial revolution are also accompanied by new challenges. In the markets with intense competition, SMEs must enhance their awareness of innovation, stay alert to opportunities and take active moves, to maintain their exuberant vitality. Recently, some high-tech SMEs in a number of countries are rising quickly in answer to the calls by new-generation technologies, including the Internet, Big Data and AI. Their innovative moves in the national transformation of development patterns, economic restructuring, development promotion and livelihood improvement have made them the most active and promising enterprises among the groups of SMEs. They have shared their new ideas, leading actions and practical experience on this Conference. Also, we are glad to see the helpful discussions on the future steps to promote world innovation and development, in this great trend of upgrading of new technologies and products. We believe that this valuable experience will play important roles in helping SMEs in developing their international markets, introducing advanced technologies and achieving their upgrading and transformation.


III. New course is set for interconnection. As pointed out by participants to this Conference, economic globalization is a nonreversible trend, because we are living in this “global village” where we are already inseparable from one another. Since the economies of all nations are relying on and acting on one another, with the benefits mixed up in common pursuits, cooperation and sharing have become the invincible trend. In this view, it is an unavoidable choice for SMEs to get interconnected in seeking common development. This Conference provides a valuable platform for the interconnection between SMEs from all countries. Participants join in talks on the principles of shared benefits, equal opportunities and mutual respects, and seek to find out an open and inclusive route of development, to achieve the sustainable development of SMEs throughout the world. Extensive and inviting discussions are made on new strategies in coping with bottleneck problems, and new approaches to improve global competitiveness. All parties expressed their vision for cooperation and mutual benefits, and commit to coordinating and aligning their policies and plans to push the construction of a community of SMEs with shared prosperity.


IV. Clearly defined goals.As is pointed out by participants, SMEs throughout the world must cooperate practically in various forms, and share and align their projects in the coming future, which provides the foundation for interconnection and shared development. Therefore, efforts must be put together in pushing the implementation of projects, so that SMEs learn from one another, share and win mutual benefits on this basis, and make great achievements in their future development. Participants appeal that to turn the beautiful visions and blueprints into reality, strategic thinking and practical actions are required. Participants affirm that through their experience in this Conference, new breakthroughs can be expected in the future development of SMEs.


A single tree supports no entire house, but joined hands make wonderful things. It is commonly believed that the way up ahead SMEs is full of hopes and challenges as well. However bright the future will be, the way to it is never easy. SMEs can share and learn from one another and achieve their lofty goals, only by joining their hands and fighting as a team for the way to a sustainable and bright future.


All participants highly appreciate the organizers for their great jobs for this Conference.


We are looking forward to our reunion in the next year.


World SME Conference


June 24, 2018


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